In the Face of Danger by Harikesa Swami
The media's constant reminders of the unavoidable horrors of death give us legitimate cause for fear. How does a devotee of Krsna react to the dangers of this world? Fear: the emotion caused by the expectation of danger or unfavorable circumstances, or by the... read more
Lessons From The Dead Sea by Harikesa Swami
Now the North Sea is dying. Fishes, swollen in death, float aimlessly as the killer algae spread like poison on the warm summer waves. Volunteer ecologists cruise the area collecting data and photos. Everyone sees, everyone knows, but still it seems they see and know... read more
Who’s Paying the Rent? by Srila Harikesa Swami
The story of a beleaguered homeowner. For months now, my mail has been building up in the mailbox at the front of the house. The letters have begun to overflow and make a small pile on the ground. I walk by them every day, but somehow I can't take the time to bend... read more