Fool Number One:

Am I talking to Krishna?
Am I talking to an angel?
Am I talking to my wife?
Am I talking to myself?
One moment without you is an agony in Hell.
And even more hellish is the fact that I don't know it's happening.

Fool Number Two:

The fool searches to do something for himself alone.
Afterwards he sees his stupidity and thinks,
"Was I searching for the ground floor of experience?"
"A base of pure physicality upon which all else may be built?"
"A definition of my individual existence?"
Then he feels again the all-encompassing negation, the denial.
He knows where the physical ends if it is followed.
It ends in Hell.
It is a planet, it exists somewhere out there,
There is a head magistrate, officers, and so on,
A specific "training course" for each capital transgression;
And after Hell, release; perhaps as a rock.
The fool gets another chance.

Fool Number One:

There must be a memory of something like that,
Somewhere in my head, and at times I escape to it.
It's easy to escape into memories,
To try to make the present into an ideal that turns out to be Hell.

Fool Number Two:

The past is suffused with Hell,
The present is suffused with Hell,
The future is suffused with Hell.
Hell is the reduvctio ad absurdam of material life.
Stop trying to prove you can do it alone.
You can't, you need Krishna, you need your wife,
Your idea is a grotesque joke without them,
Your conception of God is pretty stupid if God didn't give it to you.
Give up;
Give up this silly notion that you have to prove something to somebody.
God loves you as you are;
Anyway, He knows all about your schemes,
And finds them unpleasant.
Is there any other reason He doesn't give you all His love?
Take off your mask, face it;
You don't exist,
You are only part and parcel of Krishna,
Yes, and your wife too;
How else can you love each other?

Fool Number One:

All that confuses me.
Crying is better,
Giving up even the attempt to understand,
Giving up hope of liberation, love,
Giving up hope of hope, and crying.
Crying is better, because somehow in crying I know
Krishna loves me.
All I can do is call His Name,
And hope He hears me:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare;
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare!