Back to Godhead and the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International have built a team to create a new website where you'll find everything about Krsna. We're creating hundreds of pages of new art, interactive experiences, and information about Krsna consciousness.

Log on now to, and register to get regular news of progress and the launch date. Take part in the poll there to make sure your voice is heard and the site serves your needs.

A renovated Hare Krsna Bazaar ( will launch on December 1, 2001, in time for holiday shopping. View new products, get benefits for becoming a registered member, and experience a whole new shopping experience. Register at to claim your forwarding e-mail address:

Want to help? Use your skills to take part in this important project by logging on to See how you can help from your own home through our VirtualSeva network.

(Like BTG's current site, the new combined site will be called