When a Monk Gets Married by Vraja Bihari Dasa
A marriage is an expression of two people coming together to share deep emotional bonding centered on service and love. And once married, no matter how many fights or disagreements the husband and wife have between them, there is no question of divorce or separation.... read more
Devatas and Asuras by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
The basic difference between them is their attitude, not their externals papam evasrayed asman hatvaitan atatayinah tasman narha vayam hantum dhartarastran sa-bandhavan sva-janam hi katham hatva sukhinah syama madhava (Bhagavad-gita 1.36) Sin will overcome us... read moreLetters, Volume-12 Number-12 (Indian) 2015
Wonderful Articles Thank you very much for the wonderful article on Festivals by Subha Vilasa Dasa. The message conveyed was simple yet sublime. I especially like the line ’’When a festival is merely celebrated, money is spent, but when it is contemplated,... read more