Finding Ultimate Meaning by Nikusja Vilasini Devi Dasi
Is life meaningless until we give it meaning ? A Young Woman from South Africa, where I live, is a candidate for the Mars One project, the brainchild of a Netherlands-based group hoping to set up a colony on Mars by 2025. She anticipates years of vigorous training,... read more
Intention in tension? by Caitanya Carana Dasa
Instead of judging our loved ones for an uncharacteristic harsh word, let us consider what they are going through. Stones and sticks will break my bones, but words will never harm me.” This saying urges us to become thick-skinned and not let people’s harsh... read more
“Long Live The Lord !” by Narayana Srinivasa Dasa
How a pure devotee "blessed" God with long life ! Out of the four bona fide sampradayas, or chain of spiritual masters, Sri Vaisnava sampradaya is one. Every sampradaya has their own set of stalwart devotees, who have explained the teachings of the... read more