“Never Say Die” by Vraja Bihari Dasa
Srila Prabhupada was determined to spread the teachings of Krishna consciousness even as his business collapsed, first in Allahabad, and then in Bombay, during the 1930’s. He had diligently written his commentaries on the Bhagavad-gita for over a decade and was... read more
Eight Elements of Effective Education by Madhu Madhava Dasa
Qualities that every sincere teacher should try to cultivate Heyyyyyy… hooaaaaaaa… guys easy…” As these noises hit my ears, I saw a group of kids rushing through the corridor of the amenities building at our Govardhan Eco-village, a... read more
Lying in the Service of the Absolute Truth by Vamsi vihari Dasa
In certain exceptional cases, speaking the truth may be considered an irreligious act Most of us speak lies at some point in our lives, either big or small, maybe to attack someone or to defend ourselves. When I was in school, I had once lied to my father to escape... read more