ISKCON 50th Celebrations
James cook, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus and Francisco Pizarro are names of few famous European sailors who marked their names in the history of the world for undertaking life -threatening sailing expeditions in the exploration of world. Although the... read more
Remembering Brahmananda Prabhu by His Holiness Lokanatha Swami
On June 7, 2015, on the auspicious occasion of the appearance day of Srila Vakresvara Pandita, in the holy land of Vrindavan, Brahmananda Prabhu, a dear disciple of Srila Prabhupada and our very dear Godbrother, departed from this world. I humbly believe that in... read more
Fatalism or Pragmatism? by Caitanya Carana Dasa
By knowing what is within our control and what is not, we can follow the most balanced practical solution in any given situation Indian thought is sometimes deemed fatalistic, as holding that everything is destined by past karma, thereby leaving little room for human... read more