My Sources Of Inspiration by Prema Vilasa Dasa
A doctor in residency finds that the key to fulfilling the great American dream is not what he expected. My alarm goes off at six thirty. It’s Sunday morning. I take a shower, put on my dhoti, kurta, and tilaka, and after chanting the Gayatri mantra drive to the... read more
Bringing Good Out of Our Mistakes by Caitanya Carana Dasa
If we don't compound our mistakes by forgetting Krishna , He can use them to bring good out of the bad Sometimes when we commit mistakes, we may become embarrassed, irritated or enraged with ourselves. If we become excessively disturbed, that often becomes a... read more
Are We Sabotaging Ourselves ? by Mahatma Dasa
Unless we strive to grow spiritually, we cannot expect to make advancement automatically Where you and I are today in our spiritual lives is no accident. After wandering through millions of species through various planetary systems and universes, we have finally... read more