Tini Weds Manu by Murari Gupta Dasa
Struggling to survive in your marriage? Here are some sutras to help you Don’t be puzzled by the title. It is just a spoof on the popular Bollywood flick “Tanu weds Manu Return.” Since my wife’s pet name is Tini and mine (yes, you guessed it... read more
Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Mood of Worship by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Knowing that Krishna is difficult to attain, Lord Caitanya and the devotees in His line sustain their lives by service in separation. nyarundhann udgalad baspam autkathhyad devaki-sute niryaty agaran no ’bhadram iti syad bandhava-striyah “The... read more