Finding Ultimate meaning by Nikunja Vilasini Devi Dasi
Is life meaningless until we give it meaning? A young woman from South Africa, where I live, is a candidate for the Mars One project, the brainchild of a Netherlands-based group hoping to set up a colony on Mars by 2025. She anticipates years of vigorous training,... read more
Judging without Understanding by Caitanya Carana Dasa
The recipe for ruining relationships A heart-rending Ramayana story offers invaluable lessons for avoiding alienation and promoting reconciliation One of the most poignant subplots in the Ramayana is the fratricidal confrontation between the two monkey brothers, Vali... read more
Are You Having PL? by Krishna Dhana Dasa
What some call fanaticism might more fittingly be called single-pointed focus. Before I began serving as the temple president of ISKCON Nasik (Maharashtra, India), I was an engineer by profession, and therefore I know the value of PL, or Preparation Leave, for... read more