Sri Abhirama Thakura was a great devotee and associate of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. He was so learned in the scriptures and such a powerful preacher that atheists would flee from him.
Sri Abhirama Thakura lived in the village of Khanakula Krishnanagar, in what is now the Hooghly district of West Bengal. Lord Krsna once told Abhirama Thakura in a dream that in a Deity form He was buried in Khanakula Krishnanagar. The next day Abhirama and other villagers excavated the Deity of Gopinatha and established His worship.
According to the authoritative book Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika, which reveals the eternal identity of the associates of Lord Caitanya, Sri Abhirama Thakura is the cowherd boy Sridhama in Lord Krsna's pastimes. One day while absorbed in the mood of a cowherd boy, Abhirama lifted a huge log, turned it into a flute, and played it.
Abhirama Thakura had a whip named Jaya Mangala, and anyone he would touch with the whip would be filled with love for Krsna. One notable beneficiary of the mercy of Abhirama and his whip was the great devotee Srinivasa Acarya.
When Lord Caitanya was residing at Jagannatha Puri, in Orissa, He ordered Lord Nityananda to spread Krsna consciousness in Bengal, and He sent Abhirama Thakura and Gadadhara Dasa with Him.
A great festival is held in Khanakula Krishnanagar each year on the disappearance day of Sri Abhirama Thakura.