Elevating our Emotions by Caitanya Carana Dasa
Without coming under the control of our lower self, we should raise ourselves to a higher emotional state Our heart is capable of both noble and ignoble emotions. How we can cultivate higher emotions and curb lower emotions is demonstrated in the Ramayana through the... read more
A Succession Conflict Caused by Selflessness by Caitanya Carana Dasa
If we imbue our relations with selflessness, conflicts can bring us closer instead of ripping us apart When a wealthy patriarch dies leaving behind a huge inheritance, frequently succession conflicts break out. While each conflict may have its specific dynamics, they... read more
Fatalism or Pragmatism? by Caitanya Carana Dasa
By knowing what is within our control and what is not, we can follow the most balanced practical solution in any given situation Indian thought is sometimes deemed fatalistic, as holding that everything is destined by past karma, thereby leaving little room for human... read more
Bringing Good Out of Our Mistakes by Caitanya Carana Dasa
If we don't compound our mistakes by forgetting Krishna , He can use them to bring good out of the bad Sometimes when we commit mistakes, we may become embarrassed, irritated or enraged with ourselves. If we become excessively disturbed, that often becomes a... read more