Krishna Whose Greatest Quality is not His Greatness by Damodara Nityananda Dasa
Most believers worship or admire God for His infinite power and greatness. For example, one worships God as the supreme Father, as the Creator of the entire cosmos, or as the person who can fulfill all of one’s desires. God’s Perceived Greatness Most... read more
Beyond Fanaticism and Secularism by Damodara Nityananda Dasa
Both fanaticism and secularism are two defective and dangerous approaches to religion Secularism is the principle of the separation of government and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions. A secular state is one that is declared to be... read more
Beyond the resplendent rainbows by Damodara Nityananda Dasa
Considering that rainbows are visible only when certain conditions are met, one may reasonably ask, “Who set the conditions?” In 1666 Newton demonstrated that normal white light is composed of all the colors. By refracting (bending) light through a glass... read more
The Science of Sound by Damodara Nityananda Dasa
Much has been explored about physical sound. Let us now delve into some divine aspects of this element. Sound is caused by energy emitted in the form of a vibration resulting in hearing sensation. The amplitude (volume) and frequency (pitch) of the sound wave depends... read more