Spiritual Bongos And Neighbourhood Beats by Damodara Dasa
"If I had not been there with Srila Prabhupada for days and weeks and months, my life would be nothing but dry, tattered scraps." Adapted by Nandimukhi Devi Dasi from Remembering Srila Prabhupada (© 1998 Daniel Clark) HIS DIVINE GRACE A.C.... read more
Spiritual Bongos And Neighborhood Beats by Damodara Dasa
If I had not been there with Srila Prabhupada for days and weeks and months, my life would be nothing but dry, tattered scraps. Adapted by Nandimukhi Devi Dasi from Remembering Srila Prabhupada (copyright 1998 Daniel Clark) HIS DIVINE GRACE... read more
The Festival of the Chariots by Damodara Dasa, Nalini-kantha Dasa
A Festival to Cherish Every summer in dozens of cities across the earth, Ratha-yatra the Festival of the Chariots blossoms like a multicolored lotus flower. Red, yellow, and green silk canopies tower above the chariots and sway serenely. Their silver decorations... read more
The World of Names by Damodara Dasa
Everywhere you look there are so many names. Names for packages, names for signposts, names for places, names for plants, names for people. Names are convenient, and maybe a little confusing. "History's first psychotherapy session, "on a battlefield,... read more