Appreciation for Maha-mantra Research by Dhira Govinda Dasa
A doctoral study on the effects of chanting enlivens scholars I WAS INVITED by the Society of Social Work Researchers to make a presentation at their annual conference, held this year in Atlanta on January 20-22. Back to Godhead readers may remember articles about my... read moreThe Maha-Mantra Research Project by Dhira Govinda Dasa
ALTHOUGH I HAD done some preliminary theoretical work on researching the effects of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, I wasn't sure I wanted to pursue the research for my doctoral dissertation. I thought it would be too difficult to gather subjects and perform... read more
The Vedic Personality Index by Dhira Govinda Dasa
A Follow-Up Report THE MAY/JUNE 1998 issue of Back to Godhead included an article of mine on the Vedic Personality Index (VPI). Based primarily on Srila Prabhupada's translations and purports in the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, the VPI is a new tool... read more