A God Who Dances An Interview with Kalakantha Dasa
An English poetic rendition of the Tenth Canto tries to remove stereotyped notions of God as a static and unsociable person and presents Him as the most dynamic personality. “I could only believe in a God who dances.” – (Friedrich... read more
Japa And The Opening Heart by Kalakantha Dasa
A look at Lord Caitanya’s “Eight Instructions” and their relevance to japa, the individual practice of chanting Hare Krishna. A friend once told me this analogy about spiritual life: a flock of geese share strength by flying in a V formation, but if... read moreI Shot an Error in the Air by Kalakantha Dasa
The ultimate human error is to forget Krsna and miss the flight back to Godhead. After a recent airliner crash, in vestigating officials ruled out "human error" as a possible cause. But it wasn't apes who designed, constructed, flew, and serviced... read more