Prabhupada at the Avalon Ballroom by Mukunda Goswami
In January 1967, Srila Prabhupada, along with counter culture icon Allen Ginsberg, introduced hundreds of San Francisco hippies to the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. Our Publicity worked. at 7:45 on show night the avalon was filled to capacity. I was at... read moreEuthanasia: Ending the Pain? by Mukunda Goswami
TODAY, traditional concepts of suicide and homicide have become blurred by phrases like "mercy killing" and "doctor-assisted suicide." In 1996 Australia's Northern Territory legalized voluntary euthanasia. In January of 1997, contending forces... read more
Who Are Not Free by Mukunda Goswami and Drutakarma Dasa
A hard look at the Soviet commitment to human rights. In 1981, in Kommunist, the official journal of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, Semyon Tsvigun, the Deputy Chairman of the KGB, wrote that "the three greatest threats to the Soviet way of... read moreGlasnost’s Biggest Test by Mukunda Goswami and Drutakarma Dasa
After fifteen years, the Hare Krsna movement comes up from underground in the USSR. Frustrated plainclothes KGB agents vainly tried to convince Western television and newspaper reporters to turn their cameras from fifty enthusiastic Soviet Hare Krsna followers... read more