Death Scenes With a Message by Rasa Purusa Dasa
Biographies from the Vedic literature teach us what determines our destination after life in the human form. Whenever I read or hear about someone’s death, I wonder what that person was thinking of at the moment of passing from the body. Because most people today are... read more
Krishna Controlled By Pure Devotees by Rasa Purusa Dasa
Why ISKCON is creating devotees of devotees. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (9.4.63) the Supreme Personality of Godhead says the following to Durvasa Muni, who had committed an offense against Maharaja Ambarisha: sri-bhagavan uvaca aham bhakta-paradhino hy asvatantra iva... read more
Krishna The Purest of the Pure by Rasa Purusa Dasa
Why we should surrender to Lord Krishna’s lotus feet. The Junction of two ages, amidst two immense armies arrayed on the battlefield at Kurukshetra, Arjuna scans his foes and becomes confused. When Krishna expounds eternal dharma to enlighten him, Arjuna... read more