What’s for Supper, Mummy? by Rohininandana Dasa
SHOPPING FOR KRSNA with your children can be a rich spiritual event, provided you have their cooperation and plenty of time. We had neither the last time our family trundled along the synthetic aisles. As I rushed about, one child wriggled in the supermarket trolley,... read more
In the Kitchen by Rohininandana Dasa
MRS. MADHU SHARMA, at home in an Indian village, is about to begin cooking the family meal. Her mother is already squatting on the spotless stone floor, dexterously grinding spices and chopping fresh herbs. Her sister minds the children, giving the other women... read more
Good Mornings by Rohininandana Dasa
Good Mornings DEVOTEES TRY TO MOLD their lives around Krsna. They know that when they begin to love Lord Krsna, their hearts will bloom like flowers in the rising sun. So in the early-morning stillness, long before the postman comes, devotees are up, absorbed in... read more
What About the Rest of Us? by Rohininandana Dasa
What About the Rest of Us? AT LAST HERE'S A COLUMN especially for us! As a loyal BTG reader for nineteen years, I've often felt the need for a forum to discuss practical, day-to-day issues that come up in our efforts to become Krsna conscious. How to survive... read more