Spiritual Friendship by Rohininandana Dasa
Can there ever be close relationships, with nothing to mar their perfection? In London, some years before I took up the practice of Krsna consciousness, I once met a girl when I was feeling lonely on a crowded street I made some excuse to talk to her, and we... read more
I Blindly Follow My Guru by Rohininandana Dasa
But that doesn't mean I renounce common sense or ignore the strict spiritual system of checks and balances. Every morning in each Hare Krsna temple, devotees assemble to hear the Srimad-Bhagavatam class. As we gradually make our way through the different... read more
A Leaf, A Fruit, A Flower – Part II by Rohininandana Dasa
Vegetarians are just self-righteous vegetable-killers, some people say, and their milk-drinking implicates them in violence. A Sunday Feast lecture in Detroit, Michigan, on February 8, 1987, Nowadays vegetarianism is becoming popular for various economic, health, and... read more
A Leaf, A Fruit, A Flower – Part I by Rohininandana Dasa
A Sunday Feast lecture in Detroit. Michigan, on February 8, 1987 A devotee naturally wants to please Krsna. But what can you give a person who has everything? PART I It the Ninth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna says: patram puspam phalam... read more