Poetic Expression by Sita Devi Dasi
The Only Remedy O lord of all the three worlds, Kindly look upon this fallen soul Sleeping in the lap of maya curled, Enjoying this world whole and sole. Your beauty unparalleled and beyond compare, Steals the hearts of the purest pure. Yet this... read more
Overcoming the Stumbling Blocks in Family Life by Jivan Mukta Dasa and Sita Devi Dasi
Rohininandana Dasa, the longstanding author of this column, has taken a break this issue so we can introduce two new writers. We'll vary the authors of this column and others from time to time to bring you the realizations of many writers. Rohininandana Dasa will... read more
The Role of Women Today in the Hare Krsna Movement: A House Meant For The Entire World by Sita Devi Dasi
Srila Prabhupada accepted women disciples lovingly into the familial embrace of his Hare Krsna movement, engaging us and encouraging us in all different types of service. He made us feel wanted and useful; we were devotees assisting in his endeavor to present Krsna to... read more
An Eye For A Nose by Sita Devi Dasi
Transcendental Commentary on the Issues of the Day "What if scientists could distinguish scents with their eyes?" queries a recent report in one popular magazine. Researchers, the article goes on to explain, are trying to do just that. By using electrical... read more