Playing with Krishna by Suvarna Radhika Devi Dasi
Introducing Krishna consciousness to young children through play. In one corner of my preschool room, two four-yearold boys are pretending to be Krishna and Balarama. Tying shiny scarves on their heads and waists, they wrestle with an imaginary Dhenukasura. In another... read more
The Higher Purpose Behind Keeping Vows by Suvarna Radhika Devi Dasi
Without a transcendental objective, being truthful may seem difficult in front of the alluring temptations of ordinary life. Every politician in India, upon assuming office, takes an oath to faithfully execute the responsibilities of his office, will do his best... read more
Spiritual Lessons From Flying by Suvarna Radhika Devi Dasi
I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. My flight was circling over Delhi, waiting for permission to land. My thoughts flashed through the entire process of flying from purchasing the ticket till reaching my destination. Some facet of Krishna consciousness... read moreTrue heroes by Suvarna Radhika Devi Dasi
A Hollywood super-couple breaks up. monetary negotiations, the division of property, and even the division of children follow, in a blatant display of egoism and unfaithfulness. Their fan base only increases. A singer is found dead of a drug overdose. He... read more