A Gorgeous Temple in Chennai by Tarini Radha Devi Dasi
Srila Prabhupada's vision turns into reality in South India's metropolitan city. Taj Mahal of the ECR,” exclaimed a German gentleman on beholding the splendor of ISKCON’s Chennai temple, even as the magnificent white shrine was still receiving... read more
Led by the hand by Tarini Radha Devi Dasi
Destiny would have turned her into a nonbeliever, but Krishna’s mercy saved her from the pitfall of impersonal atheism. I wrote that I hate Jinnah!” said Ruth. Jyoti added, “I wrote that I hate Nehru!” Chitra, my best friend, was more positive:... read more
Led by the Hand by Tarini Radha Devi Dasi
Destiny would have turned her into a nonbeliever, but Krishna’s mercy pulled her out of the pitfall of impersonal atheism. I wrote that I hate Jinnah,” said Ruth. Jyoti added, “I wrote that I hate Nehru!” Chitra, my best... read more
Slokas Why memorize them? by Tarini Radha Devi Dasi
Reciting Shlokas that glorify Lord Krishna can awaken the soul to eternal knowledge. Today, as I came by bus in the morning,” reported our ethics lecturer, “a person was repeating a Shloka. What is the purpose of such muttering? What is the use... read more