Adhoksaja Krishna adapted by Tattvavit Dasa
Beyond the Limits of the Alphabet Krishna is adhoksaja, which means that even persons advanced in knowledge cannot understand Krishna . Knowledge is manufactured from words and syllables and from the letters A to Z. That’s all. ABCD. We compose words with these... read moreCaring For the Bird by Tattvavit Dasa
After the destruction of the body, the soul is not destroyed. The Gita says that the soul is always new and fresh, imperishable, eternal. People foolishly neglect this actual self and misidentify with their body and mind, which are like a cage. Concentrating their... read more
The Krishna-Avanti School by Tattvavit Dasa and Urmila Devi Dasi
Welcome to England’s first state-funded Krishna centered school, a state-of-theart learning environment that nurtures Vaishnava values. In many parts of the world, parents must choose between free secular education and expensive religious-based schools.... read more
Meditating on Krishna in Athens by Tattvavit Dasa
A Stay in the Capital City Bears Numinous Insights. Last year, I visited Athens and the historically interesting Pnyx Hill, with its special atmosphere and amazing views of the Acropolis and the Parthenon [pictured at left], the temple that reminds everyone of... read more