An Appointment With Mr. Death by Vraja Vihari Dasa
For the one appointment no one can cancel, it pays to be prepared. Recently a college friend of mine was diagnosed with an incurable cancer; his doctors told him he would live for only another year. The family panicked and consulted a wide range of doctors as well as... read more
A Muslim Vaishnava? by Vraja Vihari Dasa
A meeting with a Russian devotee helps the author remove all misunderstandings about Muslims. An ISKCON temple is located on the outskirts of Moscow, in a town named Eurolova. I stayed there for two weeks. One day, while giving the morning... read more
An Appointment with Mr.D by Vraja Vihari Dasa
Death is inevitable, but are we prepared for it? Learn the art of cheerfully facing this most unexpected event of our life. Recently one of my college friends was diagnosed with an incurable cancer and was told by the doctors that he would live... read more
The Breath of Bhakti Yoga by Vraja Vihari Dasa
Our spiritual practices can become dry and mechanical if we omit the essential ingredient. During my travels I sometimes meet people who were at one time enthusiastic in their spiritual practices of bhakti-yoga but later got distracted and gave them up. I often... read more