Five days in Punjab by Vamsi Vihari Dasa
Young Hare Krsna devotees are overwhelmed by the love and kindness of the villagers of this state. Every year for the training of new monks in our temple, we travel to different states of India and visit villages on foot. Our aim is to experience the Vedic... read more
Loot Wealth Games by Murari Gupta Dasa
Why invest in a foreign concept that has repeatedly failed? Wow!” The New Delhi metro bowles me over.Smooth ride, air-conditioned, clean, bright, and hi-tech metro-station it seems as if I am in a foreign country. “This is all in preparation for the... read more
Stop the World by Devamrta Swami
Eliminate humans. Will that save the world? Bubbling over the flames of the contemporary spiritual quest is the perennial hot question: what to do about the world? As a spiritual dabbler or a dedicated practitioner, do I immediately shun the world of... read more
Let There Be Calamities by Mukundamala Dasa
A devotee happily invites miseries if they help in remembering the Lord. Most people worship God with a material motive.As Lord Krishna explains in the Bhagavad-gita (7.16), such people can broadly be classified into four groups: the distressed, the needy,... read more