In Your own Words

Which Krishna pastime inspires you the most, and why? My favorite pastime As that of Lord Caitanya and His associates distributing Krishna consciousness. Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (adi 7.24) says they “plundered the storehouse of love of Godhead and ate and... read more

In Your Own Words

Describe an incident in your life where you clearly felt Krishna’s direct involvement. I’m a twenty-twoyear-old student, and although I don’t really consider myself a devotee yet, I feel strongly about Krishna. I love to read about Him, listen to... read more

In Your Own Words

What is the best Krsna conscious lesson you have learned from someone? THIS LESSON CAME TO ME when I was hankering for a solution for my problem. I have been suffering from a bowel disorder for the last nine months and was completely depressed. I always wondered why I... read more

In Your Own Words

What inspires you in Bhagavad Gita As It Is ?   DURING THE COURSE OF life we love our family, friends, and dear ones. Our love towards them finds external expression in various ways and we tend to serve them from our hearts and souls. But, gradually we realize... read more