In Your Own Words

In Your Own Words

How do you introduce others to Krishna consciousness? Throwing a query regarding the self and purpose of existence on this planet is the easiest way to start and engage the person in conversation. In this process, one gets a chance to explore his or her belief system... read more

In Your Own Words

  What are some of the things you do to nurture Krishna consciousness in your children? I Often read to my two sons From Srila Prabhupada’s books. Then we discuss the subject matter. When they were very young, we used to read mostly stories from the book... read more

In Your Own Words

What is the most unbelievable but true thing in Krishna consciousness ? The happiness of a devotee is the most unbelievable but true thing in Krishna consciousness. Even after becoming a devotee, the inflow of miseries doesn’t stop. Unlike materialistic people,... read more

In Your Own Words

  What do you like most about ISKCON’s Rathayatra festivals? What I like most about Rathayatra Is that it gives nondevotees the wonderful chance to see Their Most Glorious and Beautiful Lordships in person and to see another side of ISKCON and ISKCON... read more