In Your Own Words

In Your Own Words

What is your greatest obstacle in Krishna consciousness? Ever seen a puppet show how a puppet dances with the threads tied to it? Similarly, I am tied to my past habits and conditionings. These remnants of the past are my biggest hurdle in Krishna consciousness. The... read more

In Your Own Words

  Which devotee in Lord Caitanya’s pastimes inspires you the most, and why? Recently, Lord Nityananda’s compassion For Jagai and Madhai inspired me. I am a state prisoner. While at the prison temple for worship, thieves broke into my locker and stole... read more

In Your Own Words

  The common phrase “once in a blue moon” comes to mind instantly. A blue moon refers to those few times when there are two full moons in a month. Similarly, this human body is our only chance to increase our Krishna consciousness, and thanks to Srila... read more