Snana-yatra by Giriraja Swami
An explaination of different pastimes of Lord Jagannatha (Based on a talk given by the author on 13 July 2008, in Berkeley, California,... read more
Why Krsna Appears As Jagannatha by Narada Rsi Dasa
In a unique form,Lord Knrsa is worshiped in a famous temple In Puri,and at Rathayiitriis there and around the world. I was born in a conservative Oriyan Vaisnava family in Puri, on the east coast of India.The Supreme Lord Jagannatha and His devotees... read more
Patita Pavana Jagannatha by Balarama Ananda Dasa
When the devotees call out lovingly, the Lord reciprocates eagerly. But, what is the extent of His reciprocation? Scriprures describe that Lord Jagannatha and His abode Puri are eternal and are never destroyed even during annihilation. God is infinite, and... read more
Kindly Be Visible by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
In this world of bewildering material forms, Krsna appears as Jagannatha a transcendental form we can't forget. Jagannathah swamI nayana· patha-gaml bhavatu me "0 Lord of the universe, kindly be visible unto me." Jagannathastaka Someone said that... read more