O Nrsimhadeva ! by Cintamani Sakhi Devi Dasi
Great indeed was that fateful day, When Hiranyakasipu the mighty demon lay, Slain at the hands of Lord Kesava, Who appeared as Lord Nrsimhadeva. O Nrsimhadeva ! I humbly bow down unto your magnificent form. Moment to moment, fiercer the battle grew, ... read more
Adventure in Ahobilam by Mukundamala Dasa
A holy Place situated amidst mountains and forests offers exciting devotional experiences to a young group of devotees. "Let's go to Ahobilam!"everyone shouted unanimously after considering several options for taking a group of college students on a... read more
You are Bigger than Your Habits by Caitanya Carana Dasa
We often think that bad habits are insurmountable, but this is not true. The article is based on a talk given by the author at the University of Queensland in Australia, on March 18, 2016. We can study the nature of habits using the acronym H-A-B-I-T: Hardness,... read more