That Still Small Voice Inside by Syamananda Dasa
Ever wondered about the small voice or voices that we hear from within? Is it the mind, intelligence, or ego? Or something else? In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that the Supreme Being is present in the heart of every living being as the Supersoul. This... read more
Worldwide Activities of Krishna Consciousness
12,500 Gitas Distributed Ahmedabad, Gujarat: Supporters and wellwishers of ISKCON who attended a 50th Anniversary gala event in Ahmedabad on 19th December sponsored over 12,500 copies of Bhagavad-gita as part of the December marathon in India. Rathayatra in Dominican... read more
Appreciating Sri Isopanisad by Yudhisthira Dasa
A study of one of Srila Prabhupada’s books, even a relatively small book, delivers big rewards. Srila Prabhupada’s Sri isopanisad – that small book decorated with Lord Visnu on the cover, benignly smiling back at any potential reader. In reality... read more
Effective Charity by Gautam Saha
Think before you give. What may appear to be a liberating act may instead entangle you. Most persons in their middle ages or into their retired life tend to become kindly and benign towards others as they grow older. Especially in India, where begging is... read more