The Original Selfie-Optimized Phone by Nanda Dulal Dasa
A guidebook that helps us to get a clear image of our original real self There was a time when there was much talk about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), also known asAttention Deficit Disorder (ADD). The prominent symptoms of this widespread... read more
Comfort breeds Complacency by Caitanya Carana Dasa
An incident from the Ramayana highlights a certain dangerous situation that is oftenoverlooked by a spiritual practitioner. On the spiritual path, adversity is a wellknown challenge, but paradoxically prosperity can be an even greater challenge. While misery can... read more
Is Age Just a Number ? by Jawahar Trivedi
Aging is an inevitable biological reality for all of us. Along with progression of age, sharpness of perceptive faculties decreases and our physical strength ebbs away. Noted English bard William Shakespeare has, in one of his works, mentioned that the condition of an... read more
Nyaya by Vamsibihari Dasa
Common logical sutras that offer great philosophical insights based on daily observations Srila Prabhupada often used to quote Sanskrit logic sutras, or nyaya, in his talks and writings. These sutras are like proverbial expressions and indicated various commonly known... read more