Monkey Renunciation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Monkeys make an external show of renunciation by not accepting clothing and by living naked in the forest. In this way they consider themselves renunciants, but actually they are very busy enjoying sense gratification with dozens of female monkeys. Such renunciation... read more
Intrusion on Time by Revati Vallabha Dasa
“A man who has nothing to do with his own time has no conscience in his intrusion on that of others.” When I read this quote, some twenty years ago, I liked it so much that I wrote it in bold letters on a wall inside my hostel room. Through this I wanted... read more
Window Shopping by Sutapa Dasa
Modern-day self-development promotes many ideals, but how much does it actually equip and empower one to genuinely imbibe this positive mental state? Can we mentally coerce ourselves to forgive others? Does a deep sense of selflessness and kindness towards the... read more
i-Gnore by Sutapa Dasa
Good advice is easy to give but hard to take. As soon as we’re offered those words of wisdom, the defence systems kick in and the mind reels off a thousand justifications. A man is seldom corrected without significant resistance. A shame, since the critical... read more