Parental Love by Ganesh Subramaniyam
Loving relationships exist between a parent and its young one in all species of life. The child is totally dependant on the protection of its parents. Seeing this helpless and submissive nature of the child, parental love automatically arises in the parent, who... read morePleasure Hunt by Vivek Mishra
The soul by nature is pleasure-seeking. An insignificant ant is looking for pleasure in a grain of sugar, while human beings seek pleasure in family life, sex, good food, prestige, and wealth. According to the principles of bhakti, the soul finds... read more
Maya vs You
Often our life is like a football, unaware of what the goal is. Our efforts will become meaningless without knowing what to achieve in life. Our football-life may appear to be enjoying great freedom to move anywhere, but such freedom will only present us continuous... read more
Maya And The Spiders Web by Murari Gupta Dasa
The spider’s web is symbolic of how the world works. For the fly there is nothing more beautiful than a spider’s web. It is flying around all day landing on all these hard surfaces, and here it finds a nice soft web to relax so comfortable and appealing.... read more