Permanent & Impermanent

Permanent & Impermanent

I observe a group of senior citizens regularly assembling in the early hours to twist and turn. They do so in hopes of staying fit. A person gets old. Yet the same spirit soul still inhabits his body. The spirit soul is eternal. It never undergoes any change. The body... read more
Truth And Religion

Truth And Religion

Sincere people want to approach religion to learn how to love, ot learn how to be good to others. All great religions, scriptures and true saints of the world end up at one subject matter not being a muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jew, or a Buddhist but knowledge or truth.... read more
The Ocean

The Ocean

During the dry season, very little water comes from the river into the ocean. Does the ocean dry up? During the monsoons, sometimes the river becomes several miles wide and billions of liters of water pour in every minute in the ocean. Does the ocean overflow? Ocean... read more