Lessons From the Flowers, Trees, and Leaves by Visakha Devi Dasi
For nine months last year, my family and I lived in a rented house about a mile from the Philadelphia Hare Krsna temple. Early each morning I would walk to the temple to attend the functions there, and then walk back home, chanting Hare Krsna on my beads and relishing... read moreA Letter From a Special Friend by Palika Devi Dasi
The Lord in the heart reveals a confidential secret to the soul. Dear Friend, I've been with you for a very long time. Day and night I've witnessed your actions and thoughts. I know you, but do you remember Me? I see that another year has passed, and you duly... read more
Eulogy for the Soul by Sri Nandanandana Dasa
At his mother's funeral a devotee of Krsna draws on the wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita to enlighten mourners and relieve their grief. My mother had been a kidney dialysis patient for nine years. Since the average life expectancy for dialysis patients... read more
Won’t You Join the Dance? by Nagaraja Dasa
A day in the life of a "typical" devotee shows that, along with hard work and regulation, there are freedom, satisfaction, and ever-increasing pleasure. Many people think the members of the Hare Krsna movement have failed to join the dance of life. They... read more