Go to Krsna Now by Gopamatrka Devi Dasi
A mother's extraordinary love for her premature son draws those around her closer to transcendental knowledge of the soul. In college Carol studied psychology and sociology, preparing for social work. Living in a Catholic convent during her first two years... read more
Free to Dance by Dvarakadhisa Devi Dasi
"I could envision myself, floating through pink and lavender hues, transforming my body into delicate strands of emotion." When I was a very young girl, I wanted to become a dancer not an ordinary dancer, bound by the laws of gravity to thump... read more
How I Met My Spiritual Master by Srila Tamal Krishna Goswami
"He sat on a raised dais with an Arabic tapestry behind him, and his powerful presence dominated the assembly." On that cool, windy mid-March evening, as I walked the five blocks from my residence to the San Francisco Radha-Krsna temple, I was not aware of... read more
South Island Story
Christchurch Hare Krsna leader Alalanatha dasa tells how he traded in his surfboard for self-realization. When I first came to New Zealand in 1972, the farthest thing from my mind was opening a Hare Krsna temple. I was on a world surfing safari that ranged from the... read more