Escaping from Scientism by Caitanya Carana Dasa
Science does not have a monopoly on human knowledge. Question: When I talk about God, the soul, and rebirth, people often ask, “Why discuss such unscientific things in this modern age of science?” Answer: Their question betrays their basic misconception... read more
Artificial Life. Why Not Real Life by Caitanya Carana Dasa and Aja Govinda Dasa
“Scientists create artificial life,” announced the media. Genome pioneer J. Craig Venter claimed, “This is a philosophical advance as much as a technical advance.” Is it? What is life? With the recent reports from scientists such as... read more
Natures I.Q. by Isvara Krsna Dasa and Bhagavata Priya Dasa
All animals possess such innate instincts which control their eating, defending and mating behaviour. A great number of these behavioural patterns do not merely consist of one single phase, but involve a range of behavioral steps that must be always present in order... read more
The Evolution of the Theory of Evolution by Nanda Dulal Dasa
When it comes to evolution, he is everywhere. You can’t distinguish evolution from him. Charles Darwin is synonymous with his theory. His idea however has become an ideology. It has caught the fancy of people so much that they are ready to accept anything that... read more