The Seeds of Reason by Sadaputa Dasa
IN THE MID-NINETEENTH century Charles Darwin corresponded regularly with Asa Gray, a Harvard professor of botany who was an evangelical Christian. Gray was dedicated to scientific empiricism, but in those days he opposed the idea of the evolutionary transformation of... read more
Does God Go Against The Laws of Nature? by Sadaputa Dasa
ERNAN MCMULLIN, a physicist, philosopher, and Catholic priest in the Department of Philosophy at Notre Dame University, has given careful thought to the relation between religion and modern science. In the introduction to his book Evolution and Creation, he... read more
Forbidden Archeology by Drutakarma Dasa (Michael Cremo)
ISKCON researchers have compiled evidence supporting the Vedic picture of the age of the human species. Modern science tells us that anatomically modern man has been around for only about 100,000 years. The Vedic writings say he has been here a lot longer. Now a book... read more
Lifeless Vitalism by Sadaputa Dasa
THE DISTINGUISHED British scientist Michael Polanyi speaks of something he finds "unbelievable." What is that? For three hundred years, he says, writers who contested the idea that life can be explained by physics and chemistry "argued by affirming that... read more