The Search For Happiness Part – 5 by Vraja Vihari Dasa
One must reject superficial painkiller-like solutions and seek out a permanent solution to all problems. Continued from the previous issue . . . FROM SUPERFICIAL ATTEMPTS TO PERMANENT SOLUTION I had a friend who would get... read more
The Search for Happiness by Vraja Vihari Dasa
Understand the difference between real and temporary problems. By working on real problems, we can attain permanent happiness. FROM RELATIVE TO REAL HAPPINESS We need to first ask ourselves what kind of happiness we are looking for. Most... read more
The Search for Happiness – Part-3 by Vraja Bihari Dasa
Modern man is proud of his technological achievements, but a closer look into his life reveals that he is more miserable than animals. The Mahabharata, an ancient Indian classic, implores all humans to explore the ‘ABCD’ (Ability, Bliss, Choices,... read more
Search for Happiness (Part–2) by Vraja Bihari Dasa
Humans and animals is happiness the same for them? How are Humans Special? How are humans different from animals? One may imagine that an animal can’t think logically, can’t reason, question, or use intelligence. These are special gifts awarded to humans... read more