Sri Ishopanishad by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
The most ancient of Indias famed Upanishads speaks with surprising relevance to the problems of technological man in this new and important translation. The author one of the most distinguished teachers of Vedic religion ancl thought, has also translated such profound... read more
Book Review by Nayana Bhirama Dasa
I AND THOU by Martin Buber, 137 pp., Scribner Library, $1.25. THE WAY OF MAN (According to the Teachings of Hasidism) by Martin Buber, 41. pp.,CitadelPress.$.95. One of the best-known Jewish thinkers of recent times is Martin Buber. Called a poet, mystic and... read more
Celebrations by Nayana Bhirama Dasa
In the "Bhakti Rasamrita Sindu" (The Waves of the Nectar of Devotion), by the great saint Srila Rupa Goswami, there are listed 64 forms of "Upasana" service and worship of the Lord. Of these 64, the following three are considered to be of the... read more