Krsna consciousness is the Absolute Necessity for Mankind in this Age by Jananivas Dasa Brahmacari
This article is a continuation of "Krsna Consciousness, the Absolute Necessity for Mankind in This Age," which appeared in BTG No. 34. What is devotional service? In Chapter Five of Bhagavad-gita, verse 23, Lord Krsna says, "Before giving up... read more
Transcendental Wedding
A Krsna conscious wedding is performed according to an authorized devotional procedure thousands of years old. The marriage is sanctioned by the spiritual master, the marriage vows are taken in the temple, before the Deities of Radha and Krsna, and the couple vows... read more
The Hidden God by Hayagriva Dasa Adhikari
"For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me." (Gita 6.30) Even the philosophers of the modern churches are declaring that God is dead. In one sense this is true, for in the societies of the... read more
Lord Caitanya Festival by Haridayananda Dasa Brahmacari
On March 29, 1970, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden avatara, appeared on the streets of an American city, Berkeley, California. Lord Caitanya, who is Krsna Himself, appeared just to please His devotees and to attract the minds of all living entities who are... read more