Krsna, Our Dearmost Friend by Giriraja Dasa Brahmacari
"Friend: One joined to another in intimacy and affection; sympathizer, helper." A friend is very hard to define; therefore, arbritarily, we refer to The Little Oxford Dictionary, the only dictionary at hand. And utilizing this definition we can... read moreGovinda: The Primal Cause by Hayagriva Dasa Adhikari
(Analysis of the First Verse of Brahma-samhita) isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam SYNONYMS isvarah the controller; paramah supreme; krsnah Lord Krsna; sat comprising eternal existence; cit absolute knowledge;... read more
Holy Rathayatra Festival in London
The mammoth chariot lumbered down through the heart of London, while on all sides thousands chanted and danced in ecstasy. Piccadilly Circus overflowed with the masses who lined the streets and sidewalks. The giant tower, over 50 feet high, swayed precariously as Lord... read more