How to Eat in Bhakti-Yoga By Ravindra Svarupa Dasa
How to Eat in Bhakti-Yoga Krsna consciousness is the original energy of the eternal spirit soul. This devotional service or bhakti-yoga is not like a religion or yoga process in which one engages part-time, once every Sunday, or for an hour in the morning. Actually,... read more
Bhakti, the Perfect Science O.B.L. Kapoor, Ph.D.
As commonly understood, bhakti and science are diametrically opposed. Bhakti (devotion) is supposed to rest on blind faith and absolute surrender of human reason and will, while science is supposed to rest on observation and experiment.... read more
With Srila Prabhupada in Vrndavana by Hayagriva Dasa
Vrndavana, India, the land of Krsna five thousand years after the disappearance of the Supreme Person, is invaded by eighty American and European disciples of Srila Prabhupada. The white and saffron robed pilgrims arrive in Vrndavana for Karttika, a celebration of... read more
Knowing and Serving the Original Person by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
The word Govinda refers to one who gives pleasure to the cows and the. senses. There are many incarnations of Godhead, but Govinda is the adi-purusa, or the original person. As such He is not technically an incarnation of God but is God Himself, the source... read more