Breaking Through the Clouds by Vanamali Dasa
Vanamali dasa leads a party of devotees from ISKCON's Dallas center who travel all over the U.S.A. distributing Krsna consciousness literature. It was a big rock concert in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, attended by more than 100,000 people, a panorama of men and... read more
Avoiding Wrong Turns on the Path of Knowledge by Hrdayananda Dasa Goswami
Hrdayananda dasa Gosvami, a devotee in the renounced order, is now on a speaking tour of colleges and universities in the midwestern United States. [Editor’s note: This is an extract from questions and answers that followed a lecture by His Holiness Hrdayananda... read more
The Flow of Attraction to Krsna by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
tvayi me ‘nanya-visaya matir madhu-pate ‘sakrt ratim udvahatad addha gangevaugham udanvati “O LORD OF MADHU, as the Ganges forever flows to the sea without hindrance, let my attraction be constantly drawn unto You without being diverted to anyone... read moreLiving in the Material World
A Back to Godhead Analysis Running Out of Gas It appears that after noisily backfiring for so many years, our modern technological civilization may be running out of gas. A crisis, the newspapers call it, an energy crisis. We may note, however, that since... read more