Appraising the Peace Prize by Ravindra Svarupa Dasa
What could Henry Kissinger and Mother Teresa possibly have in common? When the Nobel Prize Committee awarded the 1979 Peace Prize to Mother Teresa, the sixty-nine-year-old nun who has devoted her life to helping the poor of Calcutta, it seemed as though the learned... read more
On the Lower East Side by Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
"Thousands of young people were walking the streets, not simply intoxicated or crazy (though they often were), but searching for life's ultimate answers." July 1966. America's first Hare Krsna center, a storefront on Second Avenue, in New... read more
Changing Bodies by Jayadvaita Swami
Every seven years, scientists say, all the cells in your body have changed, including the cells in your brain. Yet something is constant. If all you see here is bodies changing, you're not seeing the point. The bodies are changing... read more
Sincere Inquiries
"People say, 'You have to suffer. That's what life's all about.' And they're right. But you should ask, 'How can I get free from this suffering?' " An interview with Srila Bhavananda Goswami Visnupada. His Divine Grace... read more