Childrens Books with a Spiritual Theme by Yogesvara Dasa
Higher Education An alternative to literary junk food. Soon after its beginnings in 1966 in a small New York storefront, the Krsna consciousness movement grew to include thousands of full-time devotees. By 1970 it was evident that we would need schools for training... read moreHow I Was Saved From Being Saved by Ravindra Svarupa Dasa
Each of the last few years before he retired, an elderly Professor of Missions used to invite me to address his class at the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, near Philadelphia. The professor, who had spent a goodly portion of his life seeking converts in Bengal,... read more
Speaking Out
A Call for Strong Leadership What follows is a conversation between David Shapiro, Director of ISKCON TV, and Srila Hrdayananda dasa Goswami Acaryadeva, one of the devotees Srila Prabhupada designated as spiritual masters qualified to initiate disciples. Their talk... read more
Every Town and Village, Volume-15 Number-05, 1980
A look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Hare Krsna Swami in West Africa Aba, Nigeria Recently Brahmananda Swami, who oversees ISKCON's activities in West Africa, delivered the keynote address here at... read more