A Day in Vrndavana, India, The Land of Krsna by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
Walking in the early morning, I see the tower of the Madana-mohana temple in my path. The village of Vrndavana is still dark, and the temple tower is almost indistinguishable from the nearby trees. I enter the Yamuna's waters, and downriver I hear... read more
Searching Past the Mechanics of Perception by Sadaputa Dasa
The deeper scientists probe into the nature of perception, the farther away their subject recedes. The idea that now dominates the life sciences is that life can be completely understood within the framework of chemistry and physics. Those who subscribe to this... read moreThe Excursion by Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
Prabhupada began talking somehow about lion tamers. The boys were delighted city kids, taken to the country by their guru and having a good time. The small storefront temple at 26 Second Avenue had begun to thrive. Srila Prabhupada, by his chanting, his... read more