On Technology and Unemployment
This exchange between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and one of his disciples took place some seven years ago in Geneva. Devotee: In a recent speech a politician in India said that eighty percent of the Indian people live in rural... read more
Every Town and Village, Volume-16 Number-05, 1981
A look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) ISKCON Cinema Releases Documentary Film New York ISKCON Cinema, the motion picture division of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, has released a... read more
Broadcasting Krsna’s Glories by Srila Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
Handmade magazines and a unique recording help launch Krsna consciousness in the West. For years Srila Prabhupada had pursued alone his mission to spread Krsna consciousness, first in India and then in America. Now the handful of early followers in New York began to... read more
N. D. Desai – Industrialist with a Mission by Yogesvara Dasa
A successful Bombay engineer seeks to inspire purity in his daily world of business and finance Every evening at 6:00 Narendra Desai leaves his office in downtown Bombay. His chauffeur drives him home through Streets crowded with cars, trucks, ox-carts, rickshas,... read more